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Coronavirus Information for Clients

About Gerber Hardwood Flooring


We are taking additional necessary steps to make sure that the safety of our Clients and our Family is first and foremost. 

We will be assessing the situation and following the directives imposed by the Government and Health Canada.

In the meantime, we are doing all we can to limit personal contact with our Clients and Suppliers.  

As of January 14th, 2023 all Estimates are now done remotely again; Customers are asked to submit overall pictures of the space, as well as some close up pictures of the flooring or steps that they want refinished.  All pictures are submitted directly to the email provided, following the initial phone conversation with our office. 

The approximate square footage of the area is to be provided by Customer and submitted for calculations.  The Estimate will be provided based on that information; and the final invoice will be based on the actual measurements verified by our staff prior to job commencement.  

Onsite estimates can only be completed on projects where floor-refinishing is part of a larger renovation project already underway; where such estimate visit can be concluded with NO in-person interaction with the owner or project manager.  Access to property must be provided remotely via lockbox.

All projects that we are working on during this difficult time will be assessed on a day-to-day bases.  We will do all we can to make sure that each project is completed on time, as agreed upon in the signed contract. 

The Clients are asked to either not be home during the time that our crew is working at the property, or if it is necessary for them to stay home do to restriction imposed by the Province; to remain in the separate area inside the home (another level of the house), avoid unnecessary contact or interaction with our crew and if such interaction can not be avoided, to wear a mask and maintain the distance of at lease two meters (6 to 8 ft.) as directed by the Province.

Please know that both Richard and Adam go directly from our home into yours. There is NO unnecessary contact with Clients and Suppliers. This is not only to protect you, but also to protect Joanna; who is in the high risk group. 

Regretfully, we are forced to suspend all Special Offers that were planned for this Winter at this time, until further notice. 

Please visit this page to fill out an estimate form, or give us a call at the office at 705-721-1082

Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services; stay safe... 

Joanna & Richard Gerber

Link to Government of Ontario Restrictions and Regulations Page

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