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Gerber Hardwood Flooring

About Gerber Hardwood Flooring


Home Contact Us 
Meet Gerber Flooring Team

Best way to contact us, is by calling us at the number below:

Office: (705)721-1082

Request a Free Estimate Visit

Design Consultations

Please note that during Spring and Summer we away from the office more than usual, as we coordinate greater number of projects.  If we are not in the office, please be sure to leave a message

We check the machine several times a day, and will return your call shortly.

You can also use the form below to request a quotation or ask questions and seek advice. I get all inquiries from this form directly into my smartphone via e-mail; and try to respond immediately; however if I'm at a remote job site in Muskoka, sometimes that's not possible.

During Spring, Summer and Fall, please allow up to 24 hours for response (but I will get back to you as fast as I can). 

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The information you provide through the forms on this website are NEVER used outside of our office, are never shared with anyone else, never sold or traded. Please be assured that your information is protected.
Cell phone number is needed for activation code delivery.

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