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Dustless Wood Floor Refinishing from Gerber Hardwood Flooring

About Gerber Hardwood Flooring


Dustless Wood Floor Refinishing

Dustless Wood Floor Refinishing from Gerber Hardwood Flooring has been available to residents in the Simcoe County for the last 16 years.  We are the pioneers in the field of the Dustless Wood Floor Refinishing in Central Ontario. Today, more than ever, we continue to use our state-of-the-art Dustless Wood Floor Sanding System from Bona and our Clients love it. 

Since we started to provide this Dustless Sanding and Refinishing to our Clients, they continue to spread the word for us. With growing number of dust allergies and numerous health problems arising from the prolonged exposure to dust in the home, our Clients are now, more than ever conscious about products and equipment used in their environment.


It is not completely dust free (just so we are clear on that... the DC System reduces the amount of dust generated during the sanding process by about 85-90%), and it is definitely a huge improvement and any one of our past Clients will tell you that.  

Most of them expected the usual mess, following the refinishing of their hardwood flooring, and let me tell you, they all dreaded the cleanup they thought they will have to face, once we were gone.  

But they were all surprised! 

We ask that all the furnishings are removed from the areas our team will be working on, also, all window coverings and draperies must be removed for safety reasons.  Last thing to go out are all the electronics, it is best to store them in another area, and cover them with plastic.  

We take care of protecting the rest of your space from the last bits of dust, by putting up plastic sheeting, to enclose the area we will be working on.  

From there... once everything is said and done, you can use a soft floor mop to run over your new flooring and you are good to go! Same goes for walls and window sills. 

It is not completely dust free (just so we are clear on that... the DC System reduces the amount of dust generated during the sanding process by about 85-90%), and it is definitely a huge improvement and any one of our past Clients will tell you that.  

Most of them expected the usual mess, following the refinishing of their hardwood flooring, and let me tell you, they all dreaded the cleanup they thought they will have to face, once we were gone.  

But they were all surprised! 

We ask that all the furnishings are removed from the areas our team will be working on, also, all window coverings and draperies must be removed for safety reasons.  Last thing to go out are all the electronics, it is best to store them in another area, and cover them with plastic.  

We take care of protecting the rest of your space from the last bits of dust, by putting up plastic sheeting, to enclose the area we will be working on.  

From there... once everything is said and done, you can use a soft floor mop to run over your new flooring and you are good to go! Same goes for walls and window sills. 

You suffers from allergies... dustless wood floor refinishing is for you.

Those who already suffer from allergies, dream of ripping out the carpets and getting rid of dust mites that live there, but are stopped in their tracks just by the thought of the dusty mess that they need to go through to get to the shiny, beautiful hardwood floor, that waits on the "other side".


So they suffer and lug the heavy vacuums around daily, to protect themselves and their families and prevent their allergies from flaring up.

We can now help all those with their heads in the dust cloud!

Our Dustless Hardwood Sanding System

Our dustless wood floor sanding system from Bona, allows us to get you that perfect hardwood floor without the battle of the dust in the process. This system is also PERFECT for those planning a sale of their home and need just a little something to make their hardwood floors looking new and spectacular.

Just take a look

Picture on the left shows the hardwood flooring professional finding his way in the cloud of dust. 

Dustless Hardwood Refinishing

That was then... and this is now, take a look at the picture above. Here you see the new way we can refinish your hardwood floors. The dustless wood floor refinishing truly allows us to keep your home a lot more clean than you would expect, during such a  large project.  After all, your life is disruptive as it is enough.  All you want is to move your furnishings back in, once the project is completed, and not worry about dealing with clouds of dust and reside on your walls, cabinets, and electronics. 

Refinishing your hardwood floors doesn't have to turn your home into a dusty mess!

With today's dustless hardwood floor refinishing and the innovative concept of the Atomic DCS110® system we choose to have a powerful vacuum engine connected to all of the sanding equipment, evacuating the airborne dust generated from the sanding process, and collecting it in one remote containment system.

Dustless Hardwood Refinishing

The Atomic DCS110® is the most advanced and powerful dust containment system available, reducing dust far beyond what the traditional sanding process generates.

The dustless wood floor refinishing system, Atomic DCS110®, used by Gerber Hardwood Flooring keeps your home and air ducts free of the dust generated by the traditional sanding process, by removing about 90% of dust. Far more than traditional floor refinishing methods. But that's not all!


Waterborne Finishes

Durable, tough wearing and with no toxic fumes... 

Bona Swedish Waterborne Finishes, used with dustless hardwood floor refinishing, are the most durable hardwood flooring finishes of any kind - waterborne or solvent based. They are also non-yellowing and will not change color over time, highlighting the true beauty and elegance of the wood floors. 

You don't even have to leave your home, while we work...

Dustless Hardwood Refinishing

Bona finishes are environmentally safe with low VOC (organic chemical compounds that have high enough vapor pressures under normal conditions to significantly vaporize and enter the atmosphere). 

With no hazardous toxic fumes, you don't have to move out of the house during refinishing. As the finish dries, water - not toxic solvents - evaporates into the air, leaving the protective coating on the wood.

You can get back to using your floors in no time... 

Your floor can be walked on with stockings or socks on your feet in just a few hours, and furniture can be placed back on the floor (not pulled) in 48 hours. Area rugs can be put down in one week when the finish is cured.

If you would like to book this service, please call Joanna at 705-721-1082.

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