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FREE Cashback Card Request

About Gerber Hardwood Flooring


Free Cashback Card Request

We are very excited to introduce our very own Loyalty Program that will allow our Customers and Clients not only get Cashback on the jobs that we do for them; it will also let them earn Cashback when they do their regular shopping, buy gas, groceries, shop online, while traveling around the world, at big retailers and at our local Barrie Merchants!

We are absolutely thrilled that we are now able to pass the savings onto you!

This is how it works for Consumers:

(3 minute video)

You are spending money when you shop already... why not get Cashback on what you already spend?

Please fill out the form below so we can send you your FREE Cashback card

Cashback Card Request Form

* denotes a required field
The information you provide through the forms on this website are NEVER used outside of our office, are never shared with anyone else, never sold or traded. Please be assured that your information is protected.
Cell phone number is needed for activation code delivery.

Please enter the word that you see below.


This is how it works for Merchants:

(3 minute video)

Why not get Consumers come to you without wasting money on advertising?

For Info For Local Merchants click here

More Info About Our Cashback & Shopping Points Program

Here we grow again!  First it was the dustless floor refinishing system and now, Gerber Hardwood Flooring is one of a handful of Barrie and area Merchants pioneering again in the new and exciting way to give back to their Clients.  

Here's what you get from us: Free Cashback Card Request

We have teamed up with a World renowned Loyalty giant Lyoness, to offer added value for our Clients.  

Gerber Hardwood Flooring will pay you 2% cashback for each Dustless Floor Refinishing project (Stained Finish or Natural Finish) PLUS you will receive 1SP (Shopping Point) for every $150.00 you spend on that floor refinishing project.  EACH shopping point is worth from $7.50 to $15.00 and can be redeemed while you shop at other Merchants all around the World.  Please see your Lyoness Account for details on how to use your shopping points.  This offer will can not be combined with any other discount or offer.  

Free Cashback Card Request

How it works when you shop elsewhere: 

Once you register your card and activate your account (physical scan registration or electronic registration and virtual card in your phone app) - you immediately have access to Merchants in your proximity; around the world and online.  

After all, you too shop for groceries, buy gas for your cars, do online shopping from time to time and I bet you travel too.

When you shop - you will earn Cashback and Shopping Points.  You can access more information on details about this free program via you back office after you activate your card.

You can also contact Joanna here for more info.   

If you are a Merchant... 

Lyoness Network of Merchants is always expending - this is beneficial to all of us - the Merchants and the Consumers - since Merchants are also Consumers too.  We help each other, build relationships, support the community and grow stronger with each new member.  If you would like more information about how to join the Lyoness Network, please fill out the form below:

Lyoness for Merchants Info Request

* denotes a required field
The information you provide through the forms on this website are NEVER used outside of our office, are never shared with anyone else, never sold or traded. Please be assured that your information is protected.
Cell phone number is needed for activation code delivery.

Please enter the word that you see below.


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