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Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

About Gerber Hardwood Flooring


Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring is quickly becoming, the flooring of choice in households around the world.  Of course we are all about testing new trends and products at home.  Below, you will see one of the best flooring products that we ever had an opportunity to work with. 

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

Although we still provide an array of services to install, refinish and maintain the real hardwood flooring; we understand and follow the most recent design trends that are leading away from real wood and towards man-made products that perfectly imitate wood, while offering the sough after look of very wide planks and ease of cleaning and maintenance.  

It's stylish, there is a wide variety of looks, sizes and colours; and most of all it is very durable and easy to care for. 

Luxury Vinyl Plank FlooringTwelve Oaks Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

We are big fans of one particular company offering luxury vinyl flooring.  Twelve Oaks is a Canadian based flooring supplier and distributor offering highest quality vinyl plank flooring.  You can choose your preferred colour and style here.  Or you can schedule a visit with our designer, to one of the local showrooms we work with, to make your flooring selection.  We will be happy to install the new luxury vinyl flooring in your home.  To book your free estimate; please fill out a form here.

Luxury Vinyl Plank FlooringTwelve Oaks Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

Our favourite style is a wide, 8 7/8" x 11/32" thick plank with cork underlay from SureWood Plus Collection.  The colour is beautifully variegated, combining soft browns, grays and blond shades.  There is a deep texture in each piece, making it perfect choice for senior's accommodations, as it's impossible to slip on this floor.

Luxury Vinyl Plank FlooringTwelve Oaks Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

Another perfect way to use this quality luxury plank flooring is in rental properties, as regrettably, tenants often do not pay much attention to the proper maintenance of the spaces they rent. By choosing this durable, versatile product you can ensure the longevity of the renovation results while providing flooring that truly is easy to clean and take care of.  

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

If you have a large dog, or little boys that still love those Tonka trucks...  No worries here! The Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring is very difficult to  the damage.  It really is solid and tough.  

Taking care of the Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

You will be happy to know that this type of flooring is one of the easiest to take care of.  You know my opinion on steam cleaners, right?  Never, ever to be used on real hardwood flooring; but here, if luxury vinyl plank flooring is installed in your home... you can enjoy your steam cleaner as much as needed. 

The flooring should be vacuumed first of course, and then cleaned either with a steamer, or if you don't have one, Bona Professional Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner  should be used as directed by the manufacturer.

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